Friday, September 19, 2003

A Strange Way to Grow
OK, it seems that living with my new insane schedule is somewhat of a spiritual lesson for me. I'm supposed to try to live the kindgom life (Matthew 5-7) in the midst of busyness and chaos. Before, I managed to live it (at least sometimes) by simplifying my schedule. Now I'm being challenged to slow down, inhale, and live this kingdom life even when everything seems nutty.

Today was a difficult step for me towards this. It may sound odd. I cancelled (or at least postponed) my weekend trip. I was going to LA to attend the Greenhouse and prepare to be a future Greenhouse teacher. Two hours before my flight was to leave, I pulled the plug. For some people, this behavior would deserve criticism. But for me I think it was a growth step. I have a hard time being irresponsible, even when I should be.

First, my autumn cold got worse as the day went on (pause for a sneeze . . . ). Second, I was going to send Rebekah by herself to pick the lot for our next house on Saturday. She agreed, but I could tell she preferred me being there with her. Third, I found out that I had misunderstood a research assignment that is due Tuesday for a law class (I thought I had it done, but turns out I totally missed the boat). With all of that swimming in my head, I called Rebekah and vented. She told me, in that female intuition kind of way, "I don't think you're supposed to go on your trip this weekend." I sensed God saying the same. So I pulled the plug.

Now I feel guilty and as if I let some people down (sorry Kaak, sorry Keith). But I think maybe I did something that was right. Weird.

Hmmm. This concludes my typewritten processing of the day's events.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Seeing the Glass Half Full
This week I intended to write a positive version of last week's rather negative blog-- what I am instead of what I am not. So here's a quick attempt at being positive in the same way I was negative last week. These statements are really re-statements of some of the points I made last week in my declaration of freedom. This week I'm chosing to see the glass a bit more half-full instead of half-empty. And I added one sports comment just for the heck of it.

I am committed to the "kingdom of God" politics that Jesus laid out in Matthew 5-7.

I am very much in favor of protecting the life of anyone or anything in a position of weakness or in a place where abuse is likely (that includes unborn babies and endangered species, among many other things).

I am committed to following Christ as best as I can understand what that means.

I am involved daily with making disciples / planting churches. I am also involved daily in classes at a law school in hopes of one day having a "trade", if you will.

I am very excited that my Cubbies are still alive (1.5 games out with 12 to go) as of now. I'll say it again, "We're going to glory."