Friday, July 23, 2004

Kind of Interesting Thing Just Happened

As part of our effort to communicate better,  I've assembled a new Apex listing of phone numbers and addresses to hand out at the August 1 Gathering.  I just copied them this morning.

I gave the first one to Rebekah.  She read through it and stopped on almost 1/3 of the names and said "who is that?"  My answer was almost always, "that person has been part of _____ house church for awhile.  I don't know if they've ever been (or seldom have been) to a Gathering."  After saying that about twenty times, it hit me that this is probably something that effects more people than just my wife.

And it may be part of why I am confused when some people seem to not believe me when I tell them that the once-monthly gatherings is a good and natural part of the journey we've been on for quite awhile. 

I feel like I should say that if you are seeing only the people who come on Sunday nights as being Apex, then you have a mightly limited (and, quite a depressing!) perspective on who Apex is.  That aint nearly the picture.  I guess I forget the unique perspective that I have gained from visiting house churches so often.  I would encourage many of you to go tour a little bit.  It may be eye-opening to see what we have become.  And, in some corners of our de-centralized universe, you might just find some really exciting and unique things happening that otherwise go unseen.



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